WSQ15 – Images

Hi everyone this WSQ15 was very funny because I really want to make this kind of stuff like a mini program, this WSQ might get difficult if you don’t understand what are you going to do and how?

For this I recommend the following link for all of you who have doubts (like I was):

Guide for Pillow

Pillow Documentation

I really recommend these links because it is all you need to understand and do your WSQ15.

Here’s some screen shots and my code:



WSQ14 – Estimating e

Estimating e was a fun task because I didn’t know how to do it because it seems like there are many ways to obtain the result, also I didn’t understand very well what I was supposed to do, but I think, I finally made it well.



Here’s my code πŸ˜€



WSQ12 – Greatest Common Divisor

Hi, this time I did a script about Greatest Common Divisor using the Euclidean Algorithm, this script was really easy, I just had to research a little bit about the Euclidean Algorithm but the rest was easy as pie, here’s my code, and the links I use for information.


Wiki – Euclidean Algorithm

Vitutor – Euclidean Algorithm

Youtube – Euclidean Algorithm(Spanish)

taken fromΒ hispachanfiles.com


WSQ11 – Yo soy 196

Hi this time I’m posting WSQ11 a work about Lychrel Numbers to be honest it was for me the most difficult WSQ ever, because it took me like 3 weeks to understand what I was suppose to do, but after see many pages and read a lot about Lychrel number, I finally understand everything, so here I left me code for future references.

Here’s a photo of me when I realized what I was suppose to do.

Taken from Exdarken User of Taringa!


WSQ10 – Lists

Hi again, it has been a while now I did a program that make a list, and with those numbers, output the sum, average and the standard deviation so to do this I appeal to the Python 3 Documentation here the link


Where you can find all about Statistics and I really recommend you to use this stuff, it is there for something, and you improve your autodidacticism.

Here a nice top of a guitar ❀

Foto taken from @one_forty_three

Here I let you the GitHub link of my code:


WSQ09 – Factorial Calculator

Hi this time I’m posting the most difficult WSQ until now, it has been difficult because I insist in use functions to run the program but finally I got it!, I’m not kidding I don’t want to hear functions in a while…

Take from Giphy

The program should ask for a input, but it has to be only integer, it cannot accept float number, letters, negative numbers; once it has the value given it has to print its factorial, (n + n-1 + n-2, … , 1), finally just ask the user to continue the program or just leave with a “Have a nice day :)” quote.



WSQ07 – Sum of Numbers

Hi πŸ™‚ this time I posting my latest code in Python 3 where I ask for two integers and then sum the numbers between them (but also inclusive the numbers given) for example;

Lower number:6
Upper number:10


So here’s my code:


This task was difficult to me because I used some new features that I’ve never used before like try: break: expect: ValueError

The following sources help me during the task:

Python for software design by Allen B. Downey

Python 3 documentation (web page)

Python Course (web page)

That’s all folks!

Credits to Giphy


WSQ06 – Pick a number

This time is my code is about a random number, to be sincere it was a difficult task to me because I have to use while, for i i in range and if’s, and they doesn’t connect like in other languages I have learned. I have to keep awake to find the right way to do my script, and finally I got it!!

Take from CollegueMagazine.com

I could complete this task thanks to the following links πŸ™‚ ;


Here is my code